Shaking things up one day at a time!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Whooo's got all my attention this week?

 This guy!

I had a request from a customer to make a creepy owl!  I hope she likes him.  I just have to bring him to life tomorrow!

I'm super tired and it's 10:37 so I'm not really up for some witty banter (Ha! like that's what you ever get!)  Ok maybe I am, lol.

I made this guy yesterday, but he's a little too folksy.

He's cute though.  Need's a name.  I'm sure she'll pick the most recent owl so this guy will be listed on Etsy soon.

Some random facts for the night:
Added to the list of things I can't find:  my camera, my black boatneck dress, and my easel.  If there ever were a list of things I do not care to lose it would be that, and now they have all gone missing. Bugger.

I'm ADDICTED to the show Frasier.

I miss Benjamin. (Is that really random?  probably not)

Tomorrow I ship out my first Snowling!  My mom bought two so I brought those to her today, and tomorrow Snowling No. 1 gets to take a ride on the postal service shipping wave.  Is it weird that I get sad when they leave?  I thought giving them numbers instead of names would help not paint such a picture of their personality in my head, but now they resemble something of the movie 9's characters.  Wasn't that a great movie?!  6 was the best!

Lots to do tomorrow!  Better get to bed!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Oh yeah...

and I figured this thing out -------------->

Etsy has an etsy mini app you can add to your website!  Have a look around my shop!  I've been rather busy with it this week!

Right now I am doing a New Member November sale, and every Snowling is $9 from now until November 30th!

I made Snowling picture holders also that are sitting at the painting section waiting to come alive.  I think they might double duty as tree ornaments?  I'll have to test that out.

Check it out!  Feedback is always appreciated and I'm always up for custom orders!

Black Friday, Pretty Friday

Yay!  As something completely new and exciting this Thanksgiving holiday, I didn't have to worry about getting up at 2am and deal with all the crazies!  Woohoo for not working retail anymore!

I finally finished my Burkhead shirt yesterday and today Burkhead set a school record for 38 carries and 160 yards! He's fantastic!  Here's my shirt!

Cruddy picture!  I made it with an old 3/4 sleeved faded red colored shirt of mine and used one of Ben's old white undershirts for the letters and numbers.  It took awhile, but I really like how it turned out.  I'm thinking about doing a husker line next year!  Or maybe just a Burkhead line?  Whatever, I'll shut up about him now.  Go skers!

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!  We spent 2 hours on Wednesday looking for a boomerang in a cornfield, and Ben cut his leg open on barbed wire fence.  Then yesterday the boys played 500 with the football for 2 hours while Gypsy and I walked around and sat at the park, and Ben hyper-extended his elbow, lol.  Boys.  I really love Ben's family, it's a whole different world for me.  I really am thankful for them!

I'm so excited for next week to really buckle down and get productive!  I have so many ideas floating around in my head I just can't wait for normalcy to return and I can get to work!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Bittersweet Symphony

Today was my last 4:30am wake-up call, my last time hearing "all additional cashiers to the men's registers please" and having to do something about it, my last time covering jewelry or customer service breaks, and also it was my last day working with some really great people who I'm genuinely going to miss.  There's good and bad to everything in life.  I really thought I would feel more relieved, more excited, and generally happier, but the sting of leaving the familiarity of your work family has not worn off yet.  I'll miss you 258! :)

My journey now is trying to make a name for myself in using what talent and interests God has given me.  Putting every ounce of focus into creating whatever jumps into my head and hoping maybe someone will want to buy it (because student loan debt.... yikes).  I guess the plan with student loans is that you are actually supposed to earn a degree and follow through with a career where you could support the bills that come soon after.  Oops.  Kinda messed that one up. :)  I'm blazing my own trail.  It's going to be a bumpy road, but I foresee it being very rewarding.

I made absolutely no progress on my Burkhead shirt last night, I didnt even get it out to work on it.  Too much chatter!  So, sorry Rex, I'm still channeling all my energy your way!  Better get it done next week though, ha!

I'm off to Aurora to see Benjamin.  No projects today either.  Can't wait til Monday when everything gets out of my way and I can work in the studio ALL DAY! :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Burkhead, you're a beast... and I like it!

I'm headed to Mom's tonight, so working on snowlings is not in the forecast.

I will however, be doing laundry, eating pizza, and working on my Burkhead shirt.  Maybe my fantastic seamstress of a mother can teach me a faster better way to embellish my shirt!  I'll post a pic of the progress.  Hopefully I get it done by Saturday, it's been a month in the makings at least! Which really is quite pathetic, because it's not that intricate, I've just been slacking.

I said goodbye to a few coworkers at work today since they won't be there tomorrow when I leave.  There were tears.  I fear tomorrow may be brutal.  This is the reason I did not want anyone to know.  Goodbyes, ugh.  I hope I made the right decision, I will really miss these people.  But can you get any better than working in your pajamas all day if you felt like it with a cup of coffee by your side?  No. Crafters, ahoy!      

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Exhaustion & Excitement!

I fear I might have a problem.  The exhaustion bug that seems to bite nearly everyone seems to be biting me every. single. day.  Really?  I do nothing but work from 6am - 2:30pm and it's ALL I have to even fuss up something to eat for supper.  A hefty change in lifestyle is just what this girl needs!  I mean come on, people have WAY more going on than I do and I feel absolutely drained by 5pm.  I believe its a combination of not enough sleep, not enough exercise, and too much sitting on my bazooka.  Bring on the rest, the weights, and the crafts (and a little time for pinterest of course!) this girl is ready!  If my exhaustion problem then persists, I'm afraid it may be something bigger than lifestyle.... it's all in my head.  Do you think you can change your energy level simply by changing your attitude? Perhaps.  

I'm taking the rest of this night to brainstorm and get everything ready for next week.  I've heard my new boss is quite a whip-cracker! hehe.  I can't believe I'm being given this opportunity to do exactly what I want to do; work for myself!  Hopefully it fills my life with so much love, excitement, happiness, and feelings of great accomplishment.  I'm so unbelievably lucky that not only do I get to follow my dreams, but that the beau thinks I can be successful at this.  He's the best.  Can I say it again?  I'm so very very lucky!

I may toss some theme ideas your way!  Any feedback is always appreciated!  

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Switching Gears

I put in my two week notice the other day.  I'm a little nervous about it, but it's time.  We're moving (so the notice was inevitable) and now I get a little more time to concentrate on my craft business! Woohoo!

Today's crafting agenda:  
      A fox for a very deer (ha, no?) dear friend.
      Finishing a set of mini ornaments I think I'm going to call Cheerlings
I REALLY wish I could find my camera.... hmmm.  It's just a little guy and got lost in the hustle and bustle of the last couple of months.  I've looked everywhere.... where are you hiding?!