Shaking things up one day at a time!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Don't you want a reason to run?

....or 15?

Day 17

Killed it.  2.49 mi at 8'23"/mi pace.

Not my finest picture, lol.

I saw this lovely ditty on pinterest yesterday so I thought I'd share!


Oh how fabulous!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Just keep running...

...just keep running, just keep running, running, running.

Day 16

Channeling my inner Dory.
(Good one Pixar!)

I really did not want to run today, but I made myself.  
Jogged the whole 2.5 miles.
I think I ended up with an 8'41"/mi average pace.

Ben is currently snoring right beside me on the bed.
He got home 20 minutes ago and zonk, sleeping.

I'm gonna sneak in 20 minutes of Warcraft, wake up Mr Overachiever, then start supper.

Happy Thursday Everyone! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dead Duck

Don't fret, there wasn't really a dead duck, but I was dead tired after today's run.

Day 15

See.... dead duck.

Instead of the usual walking .2 mi to start with I started jogging right away.  I decided to push it and go fast (for me).  Yikes. Seems like a good idea to push it and go super fast a couple times a week. 
(I don't know if it is a good idea or not, I'm just making this stuff up as I go)

I finished 2.01 miles with an average of 8'17"/mi pace, but I had to end my workout about .5 miles short of what I usually do.  
I was dead.

I ended up with cramps, not of the female varitey, just runners cramps.  I do believe I pushed it and I possibly need to drink more water.

Let's see if I have anything interesting in my head to share today:


Well this might be interesting to someone.  Ben is flying to three different states this weekend and then back to Nebraska on Monday.  Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico.  That's the cool part!  The cruddy part is I might not see him til next weekend, but such is life in the military.  I'm excited for him.

This 30 day challenge is fun.  I've been working on ideas for more 30 day challenges in the future. 

Stay tuned

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Early to Rise with the Songbirds

I dislike Tuesdays, but my run this morning was delightful.

Day 14

2.5 miles @ 8'53"/mi pace :)

While I was sitting here stretching a red-winged blackbird was serenading me.

I think you should listen to one too so here's a youtube for ya.

(I can't seem to get it to embed, but you should copy/paste it)

Wonderful.  It's going to be a beautiful day!

Monday, March 26, 2012

You're.... running?

I know, believe it.

To catch everyone up,  Ben and I jog/walked a couple weeks ago when I said "you know if you did this everyday you'd be in pretty good shape in 30 days."  He agreed and said I should do it.  I asked what was in it for me? (of course, because increased respiratory endurance was not enough me lol)  He suggested how about a free weekend trip to KC.  Done deal!  So from that day forward I have laced up my nikes (really) and headed out on the trail, rain or shine.

A couple things:
1.  I do not run. hate it. despise it.  you know, all those good words.  Definitely do not like it, and I always sucked at it.  Well maybe that's not true.  I was super good at running until about 6th grade when I couldn't ever get enough air and had to use an inhaler.  Since then my running attempts have been very few and very far between.
2.  Years ago I bought the Nike+ system.  Nike+shoes, a sensor to put in the shoes, and an adapter for my ipod.  Used it maybe 6 times.  Giving it a go on this 30 day challenge!
3.  I enjoy prefer(!) running in the rain.  Wow it's awesome.  It's as if you are running along and someone has a mister fan pointed on you the entire time.
4.  In 11 days I went from couch to jogging 2.3 miles nonstop! (Well that's not entirely true, a little boy on the smallest bike I've ever seen fell over right in front of me so I stopped to help him up, but after that I just kept right on going)

Here's some photos I've been taking with my phone and sending to Ben for proof that I had indeed exerted myself. (A couple days are missing because he was either with me or at home when I left to run)

Day 1 Wednesday March 14th (no photo) 
Ben and I jogged together for the first time in ages.  
(Challenge extended, challenge accepted)

Day 2

Day 3
Some friends on a super foggy morning. 

 Day 4

Day 5
Some crazy wind!

Day 6
no photo (Ben was home)

Day 7
 The rain! Oh love it!

Day 8
Rainy again - First time jogging over a mile (1.27 mi) nonstop!

Day 9
Guess it was a good one

Day 10
My very own warrior dash, lol

Day 10 also
I told Ben "Look!  Way over there in the distance I can see that KC trip!"

Day 11
Jogged 2.3 mi nonstop at a 9min/mi pace!  Not too bad for this girl!

Day 12
Finally have a running partner.  (Lovin those white crews Benjamin, lol)

Day 13 March 26th
Benjamin, oh Benjamin.

So that's that.  Tomorrow, day 14!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Yeah... I'm not so good at blogging.

That's about all I have to say about that!

However, I feel like it's time to jump back in the saddle.