Shaking things up one day at a time!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

So Pretty!

Photo for January 24th
(taken that day)

I've spent most of my day making chiffon flowers.  

I haven't decided what to do with them yet, but I have so much fabric I decided I needed to get busy with flowers!  I just love chiffon flowers!  They are so romantic.

3 Weeks Down!

I'm posting two days late, but I simply must say that I'm loving bodyrock's 30 day challenge.  I think I've found my niche with interval training.  There's only one week (5 workouts) left! Woo!

Not only have I been sore for most of the month, lol, my body has changed quite a bit already.  I'm definitely stronger, my thighs are less jiggly (I can actually feel inner thigh muscle!), and I'm starting to see muscle definition in my abs (which in part I believe I owe to eating healthfully).  All in just three weeks!!  Ben came in the kitchen Monday while I was cooking, grabbed my arms and said "Jeez! You should probably stop working out!"  Meaning that he could feel more muscle.  He's so cute.  He followed it by telling me that I'm inspiring him to work out!  Fantastic!

I have found out though that I am not a morning workout person.  I was meeting my sister and mom for lunch one day so I got up early to workout before I ate breakfast.  Ugh.  I was zapped of any energy I had.  I could be a morning workout person, but I think I should probably eat first.  I've heard that you burn more fat if you workout in the morning before breakfast, but I'd rather have energy to push through my workouts rather than stumble through them.

This is the first year I've said I'm going to make this my fittest year ever and actually stuck with it! Even though I'm only three weeks in, I'm so proud of myself!  Seeing and feeling results really gives an addictive quality to exercise.

Photo for January 23rd
(from pinterest)

Pinned Image

This is so true.  The hardest part is starting.  Once you get started, you're unstoppable.  Just put on your workout clothes and start that warm up!  You'll be so happy, proud, and you'll feel invincible.

Roughly 20 minutes a day including warm up and stretching!   That's all I've been doing and I already feel awesome!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Quite Boring, but Quite Cheap!

Photo for January 22nd

Jovi's checking out the new no-sew curtain that only cost me $5!

Wanna know the secret?

It's a twin size flat sheet.
All you have to do is cut a little slit in the top where the sheet is folded over and slip it over your curtain rod. Hoorah!  

Thanks to my Mom for this wonderful idea!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Two Ridiculously Cute Videos

So cute!


Oh I just love bears!

The Most Adorable Mistake

I was organizing Ben's clothes this morning (January 22nd) and this is what I found:

Photo for January 21st
(taken yesterday)

Apparently Ben tried to wash and dry his brown beanie!  hehe It's so cute!

Maybe Baby Rock needs a present from Uncle Ben?!  :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Vitamin-A Monster!

Photo for January 20th
(taken today)

I made some curried spinach sweet potato soup for lunch today.  It was so deliciously healthy that I feel like I could eat the entire pot!  

If you would like to make it here's what I did:
(sorry if these directions or ingredients sound vague I just threw it together)

1 tbs olive oil
1 medium sweet potato
1/4 large onion
1 generous tablespoon of red curry paste
Juice of 1/2 lime
1 32 oz container of organic vegetable broth
1 tbs brown sugar (more or less to taste)
1 10 oz box frozen organic spinach
1 can garbonzo beans (you can omit this, I just like to add vegetarian sources of protein wherever I can)
1 14oz can coconut milk
handful of fresh cilantro

1. heat up your soup pot with olive oil on medium heat 
2. peel and cut up your sweet potato and onion in whatever size dice you feel like having in your soup
3. add to pot with curry paste and lime juice, and stir until coated
4. add 1/2 container of vegetable broth
5. cover and let simmer until sweet potatoes are tender (time varies depending on size of sweet potato pieces)
6. when sweet potato is fork tender, add brown sugar and stir around for a minute or so
7. add the rest of the vegetable broth, box of frozen spinach, and garbanzo beans
8. let cook for 15 minutes or so stirring occasionally until spinach is completely defrosted
9. turn off the heat and add can of coconut milk and torn handful of fresh cilantro
10. stir around until combined
11. enjoy!

I would have liked it with less broth, but this is coming from a girl who could scoop coconut milk right out of the can and eat it. YUM!  It was still delicious and the broth is a good way to stretch your dollar and the calories.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I Might Be Dead

I just finished day 1 of week 3 of the 30 day challenge!  My chest is on fire!

We took the fit test again.  I whooped most of my scores and don't know how I can possibly beat these in two weeks, but I'm going to try!

Squat Jump - 37
Push ups (on knees) - 26
Burpees - 14
High Knees - 124 (counted every foot on the floor)
Switch Lunges - 12
(took a break - still, goodness this is hard!)
Tuck Jumps - 24 (BIG improvement, but proper form?)
Straight Abs - 20

Good job me!

Egglings, Big and Small!

Photo for January 19th
(taken today)

Egglings awaiting the paintbrush!

Hopefully to all be finished and posted here by Sunday!

How about some.... fake food?

No I'm not talking about biting into a piece of plastic fruit (Joey from Friends anyone?).  

Photo for January 18th

Adorable felt food made by umecrafts

Most of what Americans consume on a daily basis is not actually food at all.

We are eating processed versions of who knows what chemically treated to make your tastebuds squeal with delight.  "Diet food" or just plain ol bad for you processed junk chalking up bogus health claims.  If it's created in a lab it's not food, it's science.

Nutritional science.  It's a blessing and a curse, which is why I've dropped out of the dietitian race.  While we are learning so much about how our bodies function, that glorious fact is also being taken advantage of.  The food industry is largely corrupt.  I stopped delving deeper into the facts because it's scary.  You find out that most of what you're eating is actually killing you.  Your tastebuds might be screaming with delight, but your body is screaming for nourishment.

Back to the drawing board.

Let's get back to what is real.  Real food.  Wholesome goodness. I'm trying to ditch all that lab created junk and go back to whole grains, organic fruits veggies and dairy, wild caught fish, and antibiotic hormone free unprocessed meat.

I do know that eating organic is perceived to be pricier, but what is more important, more cash in your pocket or a happy healthy probably longer life for you and your family?  I know what I choose.

I haven't read this book in over a year, but there are wonderful guidelines in Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food.  If you want to start to get creeped out check out The Omnivore's Dilemma.  I loved it, but it starts to open your eyes to a very corrupt food system.  Michael wrote In Defense of Food following The Omnivore's Dilemma because of the fear it put into everyone who read it wondering what they were supposed to eat.  You should read In Defense of Food if you do read The Omnivore's Dilemma.

Here are some guidelines I'm following:
If it has more than 5 ingredients, or the ingredients are unpronounceable, or it was born in a lab, dont eat it.
If your food came from the ground, eat it.
Try to eat as many raw whole fruits and vegetables as possible.
If you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, you're not hungry.
If you want to eat french fries everyday do it, but make them homemade (I bet if you have to put in the effort every single day to make them, you wont. Although I could eat baked sweet potato fries everyday, YUM!)
Oh yeah drink lots and lots and lots of water and get up and move!

Changes sometimes seem mountainous at first.  So make small ones.  Change whatever you think you can handle and push yourself a little further the next week.  Bring an apple to work instead of grabbing cheetos out of the vending machine, or make homemade goulash instead of hamburger helper.  Small changes can make big differences.

Introduce your kids to new foods each week.  I can't remember the average number of times (for some reason I think it's 16, I know it's ridiculous) you must put a new food (fruit or vegetable) on your child's plate before they will be willing to try it.  Getting your kids to eat healthy starts with you.  If your kids see you eating and enjoying vegetables, they are more likely to pick up the fork and try it!

Here's a great website on ditching processed foods.

What I'm proposing may seem like you have to cut A LOT out of your diet (STEP AWAY FROM THE DIET COKE!), but I can't stress enough that you do have to eat!  Making this life change you will probably find that you are eating more than what you were in the past, but by overindulging in carrots and hummus rather than potato chips and dip you'll feel a lot less guilty and your body will love you a little more.  I still believe in everything in moderation.  There is no falling off the bandwagon. If your work orders pizza for lunch and you've been CRAVING pizza for a week.  Eat it.  Then have a salad jam packed with veggies for supper.  Focus on nutrition!

Oh I could go on forever and ever about this.....   Make this change for you, you'll be glad you did.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

32? ....32!

Happy 32nd Birthday to the best darn boyfriend this girl could ask for!

Photo for January 17th
(taken in 2009? I think)

I could not even begin to express my appreciation and admiration for this man.  We've been through a lot over the years and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I have learned so much from him and he continues to teach me how to live every day.  So excited for another year of memories!

Happy Birthday Benjamin!

Hot Chocolate Anyone?

It's January 17th.  It's super snowy out.

Okay it's just snowy out, but I'm still not leaving the house. :)  What's better on a day like this than cocoa?

Photo for January 16th

Have you seen this in stores?

I was so excited after I SPLURGED to buy this Salted Caramel Hot Cocoa, I couldn't wait to get home to try it.

Don't waste your money.

It tastes exactly like the homemade cocoa you make with Hershey's cocoa powder, sugar, salt, a little vanilla, you know....

Hot chocolate disappointment.  It's ok if I add a pump of cinnamon dolce syrup, but that makes just about everything delicious!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


I'm a worrier.  Goodness gracious am I a worrier!  I worry about everything that hasn't happened.  I worry about everything that has a minute chance of happening.  I worry about things that really will probably never happen but in my mind they are for sure going to happen and it's going to be horrible.  It's absurd.  Horridly absurd.

I'm probably 60% worry, 30% pessimism, and 10% bone/skin/muscle/organs/fat.

It's things like this that I am trying to take this time to learn and adjust.  Just RELAX!!  One freaking day at a time please.  Leave the past in the past and live today for today.  Poor Benjamin and my Mother, they always get the brunt of my freak outs! I do apologize and I WILL get it under control.  (Love you dear family)

Here's a little graph I thought was fitting.

Photo for January 15th
(not mine)

Oh it's so funny, and so simple!  

I think once I get control of my worrysome pessimistic mind I'm going to be awesome! 
Here's to no worries!

Oh yeah, Hakuna Matata! Timon and Pumba know what life's all about! lol

One Busy Lady

Photo for January 14th
(not mine, googled it)
This is a statue of the Roman Goddess Minerva. 
She was the goddess of poetry, wisdom, medicine, war, arts, crafts, commerce, and magic.  Busy lady!

I love sculpture, and I love it even more when it is combined with mythology.   

Ben has a HUGE Mythology book and I've decided I'm going to make that one of my new goals.  Relearn mythological stories.  There will probably be more photos like this when I run across something I find interesting.  Really I pinned Minerva because she's the goddess of poetry, arts, and crafts! Woohoo! All hail Minerva!  Think that will bring me never ending creativity?  It's worth a shot! :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Cutest Losers!

Photo for January 13th
(I got this off of their facebook page)

Do you know who this is?

So keeping along with my new exercise obsession I've been rewatching The Biggest Loser on Netflix while working out or crafting.  I've gotten through seasons 1 and 2, watched the first episode of season 3, then skipped and went on to season 4.  Here is where I discovered (possibly rediscovered) that two contestants from season 2 are now married and have two boys.  Matt and Suzy!  Cutest couple ever.  Oh my goodness, my heart just leapt when I saw this!  I think I might have known it back in the day when I caught an episode or two on cable, but it had slipped my mind entirely.

Thanks to these two (and probably my temporarily heightened hormone level) I cried watching nearly every episode of season 2.  Goodness, it was a good one.  If you have netflix you should watch it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just Get Up And Move!

So I've recently started an exercise routine, which you might have read about in a previous post.  It's been challenging.  Not just the "holy crap I can't do this, I'm too out of shape" challenging while you're actually doing the work, but the sitting on the couch crafting thinking "oh the last thing I want to do is put on my workout gear and struggle through another workout" challenging.  Ok so really just getting off the couch challenging.

I can honestly say this approach has changed for me in 7 workouts.  It could be a fluke, I could go back to dreading my workouts, but for now I feel like I can't get enough.  Sure it's tough.  I do modifications of almost all the moves and am still sore as the devil the next day.  But boy howdy is it ADDICTING.   Once you flip that switch in your head that says "you know what, I CAN do this."  Even if you're not doing it perfect, even if you take 30 second rests in between intervals instead of 10.  You push your body to its limit and give it your all for a measly half hour a day.  I already feel stronger, I sleep more soundly at night, and have more energy during the day.  Given my lax lifestyle, I still drank at the minimum of 2 cups of coffee a day, 3 usually.  The very strong brewed keurig one cup style, loaded with caffeine I'm sure.  I drank not even 1/3 of a cup this morning.  Didn't need it.

My diet has never been totally horrible to begin with.  If there is a way to pack in more veggies or fiber in a dish, I'll do it.  I do have a deep love for any kind of sauce though, which probably is a downfall.  I mean who can pass up a delicious homemade ranch or chipotle mayo?  Good thing about that I guess is I usually serve it up on a huge bowl of salad, baked sweet potato fries, or a black bean burger.

Anywho, the point I'm trying to get at is if you just get up and move a little each day, your body will LOVE you for it!  Make smart choices in what you're eating (doesn't have to be ALL the time), but don't stress about it.  Everything in moderation.  Oh yeah, and guzzle water like it's your job!

Oh have you heard all of this a million times before?  That's because it works!  I'm on the road to a healthy lifestyle, you should join me!  If you're already there, your body thanks you!

My photo for the day is a video from youtube.  I enjoyed it.

Photo for January 12th
(23 1/2 hours video)

I hope you enjoy it to!  Just get up and move afterwards!  

Oh and if you need a website to get your exercise juices flowing, try this one. I'm on day 7 of the 30 day challenge!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hippity Hoppity

Here's a sneak peek of what's to come for Easter 2012.

Photo for January 11th
(taken today)

He does not even have a name yet!

Sorry about the cruddy cellphone picture!

Oh, but what a dream!

Well a bummerish way to start the day.

This guy slipped out of our fingers today, just wasn't meant to be I guess.  God must have something else in store for us.

Photo for January 10th

Our eyes and ears are still open waiting for something spectacular!  Pray for us! :)

"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." 
- Joseph Campbell

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ooo We've Got That Lovin Feelin

I finished a couple new friends today!  Three to be exact!   These Love Monsters will be up for sale here soon!

Photo for January 9th
(taken today)

This is Melvin.




An Adventure for Bartley

Yesterday as we were driving to Mom's house, there were two large dogs on the highway not really caring or moving out of the way when cars drove past.  One was a bloodhound, and the other was a very old shaggy looking black lab mix.

I freaked and pulled over worrying that they would get hit.  Ben ran up to see if they would come to him or if they had collars on.  The bloodhound took off, but the lab came over to him.  Low and behold he did have a collar on, but when Ben called the number it was disconnected.  Ben ran up to the farm house nearby which was the direction the bloodhound took off in and I turned the car around and drove up there. Turns out that farmhouse had long been abandoned, so we tried a different approach.

We called the other number on his tag which took us to animal control for Lancaster county.  They gave us the information of whose dog it was and we found out his name was Bartley.  We were out of their jurisdiction to make a pick up so they patched Ben through to the Sheriff's office.

Forty minutes later a deputy came out, took Ben's information, and said he was going to take him to the Humane Society.  We asked that we be called if they could not find the owner, because neither one of us would be able to live with ourselves knowing this dog would be put to sleep if he didn't get adopted.  We gave the deputy the information of the owner that animal control gave us and he said he would try to take him home before going to the Humane Society.  Hours later he called back and said he had taken Bartley back to his home!

Photo for January 8th
(taken that day)

What an absolute sweetheart!  (Bartley, not Ben, ok both of them really)  His front two legs had some lacerations and he was pretty well caked in mud, we thought he had been lost for quite awhile.  We are glad he made it home (about 5 miles away from where we found him) and hope that him and his bloodhound friend stay home and stay off the highway!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Most Delicious Cupcake Ever?

Yes!  It's these.  We made these last year in March in preparation for baking of Dear Sister's wedding.  We ended up making them for the wedding because they were so darn good.  It's a somewhat complicated recipe, but it's worth it!

Photo for January 7th
(taken March 12, 2011)

These beauties are lemon limoncello cupcakes from the Brown Eyed Baker.
The recipe can be found here.

I can't remember all that we changed in the recipe, I know we did not use limoncello and I think substituted more lemon juice.  We also did not fill them when we made them for the wedding, but good golly these are the best cupcakes ever anyway!

Here are some more pictures from that day.  Baking at Mom's is always a hoot!
She had to zest 6 lemons!  She loved it!

Mom, mixing away!

Whatever it was, it was funny!

How about a little lemon juice in your eye!

 Always laughing!

I get to see these girls tonight!  (Since I'm blogging a day late and it's actually January 8th)

More later today, toodaloo!

Friday, January 6, 2012

When I'm 80

I was talking to my Mom this morning on the phone and we were discussing the birds.  Since then I've been to the store to add two suet feeders to my bird feeder collection.  I'm certain that when I'm 80 and in the nursing home I'm going to have 10 bird feeders stuck to my window.  I just love watching them.  I haven't a clue what type they are usually, but I do know that they're so precious.  

Maybe I feel this way because nature is hard to come by in the city.  We really only get birds, squirrels, and stray cats. Anyway, time for my photo of the day.

Photo for January 6th
(taken yesterday)

Aren't they darling?  
You can usually find me, Coug, and Jovi fighting over the seat by the window to watch them.

On the to do list today:
clean out the fridge  done!
clean the kitchen
make pulled pork tacos

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Two More Sneaks

Here are two more one of a kind paintings I finished today. What do you think?

Be Mine.

A Really Big Cup of Coffee.

The Cuddlies That Live In My Head

Here's the photo of the day.

Photo for January 5th
(taken today)

Here's the painting I just finished this morning.  It's so fun!  I sketched out 10 on canvas last night so I have a lot of painting to do in the near future.  Expect more updates!

This guy will most likely be listed in my etsy shop by the end of the week!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Today is the first day of the year that I am home alone, so today I started my new year workout. Here's my photo for the day:

Photo for January 4th
(not mine)

No, this isn't me.  I know I really had you fooled.  But seriously, this is the website I am following.  These girls are in serious shape and the workouts are under 20 minutes, but my gosh they are hard.  Maybe that's just me, because I am WAY out of shape.  Could I tell you the last time I worked out? Um... nope.  So here goes.

Day 1 was a fitness test and we take it again at 30 days.  I'm going to post my numbers now and my 30 day numbers to keep me accountable! :)

Squat Jump - 30
Push-ups (girl style) - 21
Burpees - 10
High Knees - 41 each leg
Switch Lunges - 12 / 6 each leg
(took a break! Wow I'm out of shape!)
Tuck Jumps - 13
Straight Abs - 16

I feel like crud, but I'm certain later I will feel so pumped about having done this.  

Now to take a shower and have a healthful supper. Here's to changes!


Well I made it two days in my new resolution! Ha!  I would have posted a pic last night, but I fell asleep while Ben was watching the sugar bowl on the computer.

Photo for January 3, 2012
(taken that day)
We went out to Red Robin for a burger because I was craving one soooo bad!  This guy, he makes me laugh.

More later today! :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

You Still Win Burkhead

Well it was the last Husker game of the season and they tanked, but I still love Burkhead! 

We traveled to Weeping Water to watch the game at Ben's moms.  Speaking of, here's my photo for the day.

Photo for January 2, 2012
(taken today)

This lady, honestly, is one of my favorites ever.  This is us when we are together.  She makes me laugh, a lot! Love her.

We are getting ready to go to a bar to watch the Stanford/Okie St game.  We should probably just get cable next football season, goodness.  

Anyways, go Cowboys (I suppose)!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Ideas

I've neglected this blog that's for sure, but when is there ever a better time to start up again then January 1st?

I've got nothing but time, so my new idea is to post a picture a day!  It can be taken that day or not, relevant to my life at the time or not, interesting or not, taken by me or not, it's just anything I feel like, or not.  lol  So sit back and enjoy the randomness of my Photo-A-Day 2012!

Here's the photo for January 1st:
(taken today)

This guy.  He loves me. Really.  Sometimes that's hard for me to understand, which I appreciate, because it always surprises me with how much he's willing to do just to make me happy.  He's an absolutely fantastic man and I'm so excited that I get to spend my entire life with him. 

Today we're moving things around in our apartment.  It's always refreshing to rearrange and clean behind and under things that haven't been moved in a very long time. 

The new arrangement.

Ben trying out the new arrangement with Battlefield and Blue Moon.

Working on Love Monsters is the plan for tonight! Hope everyone is having a Happy New Year!  May 2012 be a blessed one!