Shaking things up one day at a time!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just Get Up And Move!

So I've recently started an exercise routine, which you might have read about in a previous post.  It's been challenging.  Not just the "holy crap I can't do this, I'm too out of shape" challenging while you're actually doing the work, but the sitting on the couch crafting thinking "oh the last thing I want to do is put on my workout gear and struggle through another workout" challenging.  Ok so really just getting off the couch challenging.

I can honestly say this approach has changed for me in 7 workouts.  It could be a fluke, I could go back to dreading my workouts, but for now I feel like I can't get enough.  Sure it's tough.  I do modifications of almost all the moves and am still sore as the devil the next day.  But boy howdy is it ADDICTING.   Once you flip that switch in your head that says "you know what, I CAN do this."  Even if you're not doing it perfect, even if you take 30 second rests in between intervals instead of 10.  You push your body to its limit and give it your all for a measly half hour a day.  I already feel stronger, I sleep more soundly at night, and have more energy during the day.  Given my lax lifestyle, I still drank at the minimum of 2 cups of coffee a day, 3 usually.  The very strong brewed keurig one cup style, loaded with caffeine I'm sure.  I drank not even 1/3 of a cup this morning.  Didn't need it.

My diet has never been totally horrible to begin with.  If there is a way to pack in more veggies or fiber in a dish, I'll do it.  I do have a deep love for any kind of sauce though, which probably is a downfall.  I mean who can pass up a delicious homemade ranch or chipotle mayo?  Good thing about that I guess is I usually serve it up on a huge bowl of salad, baked sweet potato fries, or a black bean burger.

Anywho, the point I'm trying to get at is if you just get up and move a little each day, your body will LOVE you for it!  Make smart choices in what you're eating (doesn't have to be ALL the time), but don't stress about it.  Everything in moderation.  Oh yeah, and guzzle water like it's your job!

Oh have you heard all of this a million times before?  That's because it works!  I'm on the road to a healthy lifestyle, you should join me!  If you're already there, your body thanks you!

My photo for the day is a video from youtube.  I enjoyed it.

Photo for January 12th
(23 1/2 hours video)

I hope you enjoy it to!  Just get up and move afterwards!  

Oh and if you need a website to get your exercise juices flowing, try this one. I'm on day 7 of the 30 day challenge!

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