Shaking things up one day at a time!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Bittersweet Symphony

Today was my last 4:30am wake-up call, my last time hearing "all additional cashiers to the men's registers please" and having to do something about it, my last time covering jewelry or customer service breaks, and also it was my last day working with some really great people who I'm genuinely going to miss.  There's good and bad to everything in life.  I really thought I would feel more relieved, more excited, and generally happier, but the sting of leaving the familiarity of your work family has not worn off yet.  I'll miss you 258! :)

My journey now is trying to make a name for myself in using what talent and interests God has given me.  Putting every ounce of focus into creating whatever jumps into my head and hoping maybe someone will want to buy it (because student loan debt.... yikes).  I guess the plan with student loans is that you are actually supposed to earn a degree and follow through with a career where you could support the bills that come soon after.  Oops.  Kinda messed that one up. :)  I'm blazing my own trail.  It's going to be a bumpy road, but I foresee it being very rewarding.

I made absolutely no progress on my Burkhead shirt last night, I didnt even get it out to work on it.  Too much chatter!  So, sorry Rex, I'm still channeling all my energy your way!  Better get it done next week though, ha!

I'm off to Aurora to see Benjamin.  No projects today either.  Can't wait til Monday when everything gets out of my way and I can work in the studio ALL DAY! :)

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