I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord!
(Jamming out to some Phil Collins.)
But really, this song is definitely resonating inside of me right now. Well those two lines are, and the awesome drum intro, apparently the message of the song is quite dark.
Anyway, I have some news!
I put in a submission to be reviewed to possibly be one of 20 Best Twenty's Holiday Feature. They take 20 undiscovered unique artists and feature them every month. This time 20 artists will be featured from November through December (only the two most lucrative months of the year.) Pretty big deal.
they picked me!!
Well, they picked TheGrayCafe!
I am so so excited!
I am getting out the sketchpad immediately!
The Holiday shop will be up and running by November 4th!
I really can't even think straight right now. I think each and every one of my cells are smiling. I can feel it!
As a thank you for coming to my page and reading my big news, I'll share with you this happy rendition(cover) of Blitzkrieg Bop. I just don't think you could have a bad day after listening to this song. It always makes me want to dance (good thing I'm always alone, ha!).
I can't get it to embed. :( If you want to listen to it you can go here, or look it up on whatever app you use to listen to music.
The Blitzkrieg Bop - Caballero Reynaldo
Shaking things up one day at a time!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Maybe I should blog again....
I am bummed out today.
It started on Monday when we heard Ben might not be coming home until the end of the year.
Last night he told me it's all but chiseled in stone; 4 more months.
GOD give me strength.
I miss everything, absolutely everything, about him being here.
I can't even imagine the way he feels.
Thank the good Lord for allowing us to talk almost everyday!
If this is Ben's "deployment", we really are so very lucky.
Now I just need to keep myself occupied.
Let's find some things that make me happy!
I've done such a poor job of doing anything with great enthusiasm, especially lately.
One day at a time.
Let the projects commence!
Giving Fletcher lots of hugs and kisses!
All very important to build my morale and increase selective amnesia.
This year may not be "our" year like I originally had hoped, but God has given me the time to improve upon myself, and by golly if he just doesn't know what's best!
Thank you God for this opportunity of self-exploration, and thank you (THANK YOU!!) for keeping Benjamin safe!
Here's to a happy, healthy, progressive, tad-bit lonely rest of 2013!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
30 days.... Shmirty days!
Day 30!
Strongest woman in the world!!
Ok so I'm definitely not,

but I'm well on my way to being the strongest me ever!
Today's run was a definitely a test of strength, both physical and of willpower.
What running conditions we had today!
It was cold, rainy, and windy!
I didn't meet one soul on the trail.
I did see one lonely man out fishing though.
With the lack of bodies on the trail and since I waited for the rain to slow,
there were MANY feathered friends cheering me on along the way.
Among them were a ton of western meadow larks, a crow (!), and a male cardinal.
(I was hoping to see his female counterpart, but I was speeding by too fast, ha)
So, with the weather and the fact that I was more interested in the little birdies along the trail rather than focusing on form, today's run was very challenging.
But I did it.
And I'm done.
30 days in a row.
I didn't quit.
2.45 miles @ 8'20"/mi average pace
I salute you Holmes Lake.
I'm very happy that you exist.
And I'm very happy that I exist.
And if you're reading this, I'm very happy that you exist.
Look at us all existing. It's wonderful.
Let's all celebrate!
I already started, with a very long hot shower, a very yummy egg sandwich, and a very large cup of coffee!
I just might finish off the celebrations with a trip to Barnes and Noble.
Part 1 of my next 30 day challenge is to read 3 books.
Ben has The Hobbit here so I might just start in with that,
or if I'm feeling rowdy, I'll pop on over to Barnes.
Here's something I think we should all do:

but how about for the next 30 days?!
You know, it's a theme I have going.
And why they need to call it air squat, I don't quite understand.
Anyway, you may look a little silly doing squats in the breakroom
before you chow down at lunchtime,
but who knows,
maybe you'll inspire someone!
Your buttinsky and hammies will thank you!
Let's do it, ready... set... go.
30 squats before each meal!
This random finding on pinterest sounds pretty awesome too:

Well, so long 30 day running challenge. You were fun, and challenging, and good for me, probably everything you should be.
Part 2 of the next 30 day challenge involves an inquisitive little fella named Ferdinand, and a very special little girl named Addison.
Stay tuned, the next 30 day challenge starts on Monday April 16th!
(Unless of course you count the squats.... let's get started on those pronto!)
Thanks for joining me!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Tis boring, my posts as of late!
Day 29
(Yep that's right...29!)
1....run.... left!
2.43 miles @ 8'09"/mi average pace
After this run tomorrow,
I am supposed to feel no guilt
when Ben's shelling out the bones to do whatever I want in KC.
I'm sure I will however, and I will plan mostly free things.
I am after-all a good-for-nothing starving artist
who is only fed by the generous hands of her boyfriend.
He believes in me, it's adorable!
With his schedule though, who knows when this trip will actually happen.
For now I'm going to try to feel as if I have accomplished something.
Something I've never done before.
As big or little as it may be, it's a feat I have achieved.
The only weird part is, there'e no real end to this.
Maybe that's my own fault for not following through and setting SMART goals.
You know:
We just made a blanket statement: run everyday for 30 days.
The point being so I could get in better shape
and possibly beat Ben at running (the latter one I made up of course).
So really the main point is I guess.... that it doesn't end here.
It was a challenge that hopefully catapulted me into a healthier lifestyle.
I'm just not feeling that great sense of accomplishment
since it is really something that I need to continue.
I'll be running off and on from now on,
I just hope I don't feel like a slacker
when I only run 5 days a week instead of 7.
I plan on adding Bodyrock back into my life.
It's so fun, and very challenging.
It's mainly body weight based, so anyone can do it at home.
I'll probably post about those too, hopefully you don't find it all too boring!
I have a few other ideas on the horizon.
I'm starting my new 30 day challenge on Monday!
This one is not fitness based.
Now for what I did today.
Um... yeah....
well, here....
I participated in a little Noblegarden.
(Don't you love the bunny ears?!)
And then I spent some quality time with the boyfriend.
He bought me these fancy new headphones,
so now we can use Warcraft party chat
instead of trying to use my crappy phone on speakerphone!
Better get to bed, it's midnight, and I have a very important run tomorrow!
Day 28
Today's run.... was..... horrible!
Here's the reason.
Ben got French Quarter Tuna (I think that's what it was called)
last night at Buzzard Billys.
It was absolutely awesome, and he didn't eat it all,
so we brought home leftovers
and I made it into breakfast burritos this morning.
Best leftover breakfast burritos ever.
But I probably shouldn't have eaten it,
or waited longer before I ran.
I thought I was going to lose it four times.
Horrible run, but I did something I guess.
2.03miles @ 7'52"/mi average pace
I spent most of the rest of the day cooking and cleaning.
I made Ben 10 breakfast burritos for the rest of the week for his breakfast,
and sweet potato burgers for his lunch.
I had a rough night.
For some reason I was extremely sad that Ben was leaving,
even though I got an extra day with him this week.
I'm probably super sad because there's a 90% chance he's going to A&P school,
leaving on Saturday for two weeks.
Sad days.
The Buzzard
Day 27
3 runs left!
2.46 miles @ 8'21"/mi average pace
We went on our usual weekly date night.
We were going to get sushi and right before we headed out the door
Ben says, "how about this curveball?"
and suggested Buzzard Billys.
This is only comical if you know us.
We go there nearly every week.
If you haven't had the Miller High Life Spinach Artichoke Dip
at Buzzard Billys you're missing out!
It's the best spinach artichoke dip I've ever had!
Get it next time.
intensely listening to one of Ben's stories... or so he thinks ;)
He's my favorite!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Why don't you like me, sun?
Day 26
Easter Sunday!
2.47 miles @ 8'12"/mi average pace
4 left!!
We went to Ben's moms to celebrate the day!
It's always a fabulous time out there
(Let's call this the before picture)
Sitting out in the direct sun for 40 minutes or so, got me this:
the after photo
Ben says my genetic weakness showed up to the party.
(since I'm a ginger). He's so nice.
He loves to throw in a good ginger joke.
Gypsy and I dyed Easter eggs!
I LOVE this girl!
Yesterday she said we were sisters!
I love it!
Wonderful Easter Sunday full of lots of laughs, good food, beers, and maybe a little too much sun.
Hope you all had a good one!
Hope you all had a good one!
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