Day 30!
Strongest woman in the world!!
Ok so I'm definitely not,

but I'm well on my way to being the strongest me ever!
Today's run was a definitely a test of strength, both physical and of willpower.
What running conditions we had today!
It was cold, rainy, and windy!
I didn't meet one soul on the trail.
I did see one lonely man out fishing though.
With the lack of bodies on the trail and since I waited for the rain to slow,
there were MANY feathered friends cheering me on along the way.
Among them were a ton of western meadow larks, a crow (!), and a male cardinal.
(I was hoping to see his female counterpart, but I was speeding by too fast, ha)
So, with the weather and the fact that I was more interested in the little birdies along the trail rather than focusing on form, today's run was very challenging.
But I did it.
And I'm done.
30 days in a row.
I didn't quit.
2.45 miles @ 8'20"/mi average pace
I salute you Holmes Lake.
I'm very happy that you exist.
And I'm very happy that I exist.
And if you're reading this, I'm very happy that you exist.
Look at us all existing. It's wonderful.
Let's all celebrate!
I already started, with a very long hot shower, a very yummy egg sandwich, and a very large cup of coffee!
I just might finish off the celebrations with a trip to Barnes and Noble.
Part 1 of my next 30 day challenge is to read 3 books.
Ben has The Hobbit here so I might just start in with that,
or if I'm feeling rowdy, I'll pop on over to Barnes.
Here's something I think we should all do:

but how about for the next 30 days?!
You know, it's a theme I have going.
And why they need to call it air squat, I don't quite understand.
Anyway, you may look a little silly doing squats in the breakroom
before you chow down at lunchtime,
but who knows,
maybe you'll inspire someone!
Your buttinsky and hammies will thank you!
Let's do it, ready... set... go.
30 squats before each meal!
This random finding on pinterest sounds pretty awesome too:

Well, so long 30 day running challenge. You were fun, and challenging, and good for me, probably everything you should be.
Part 2 of the next 30 day challenge involves an inquisitive little fella named Ferdinand, and a very special little girl named Addison.
Stay tuned, the next 30 day challenge starts on Monday April 16th!
(Unless of course you count the squats.... let's get started on those pronto!)
Thanks for joining me!
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