Day 23
This.... is serious business.
So serious that I think I'm close to being put on the injured list.
My body is saying:
"Whoa whoa whoa! Are we really going to be doing this everyday?"
And my mind replies:
"Why yes body we are! Get used to it."
It's trying to keep up with my demand, but it's not quite primed to run everyday.
My left hammy is hurt-ting!
My right quad twitches.
And at the start of every run,
my (get this) patellofemoral pain syndrome acts up.
I hate that term patellofemoral pain syndrome.
When I went into the doctor a year and half ago I didn't want a label, just a solution.
But apparently this is what we call it, patellofemoral pain syndrome.
Which is another term for my knee is bending out of alignment.
Caused by a few things one being underdeveloped quad muscles (vastus medialis I think).
Repeated pounding of the pavement (or dirt/rock) is not advised.
I, however, have inherited some of the Dorsch girl stubbornness
and won't quit until I get my 30 days in!
Back to seriousness. These runs are hard, very hard.
I don't think it ever gets easier, it just takes you a little longer to reach the point of exhaustion.
Everyday I start out thinking "oh sh!t how am I going to make it all the way around here today?"
And everyday I struggle through the run,
my mind talking directly to my legs,
telling them "don't stop, you can do it, just keep running."
And I do.
Running is a mind game.
If you don't have a physically debilitating condition (and sometimes if you do) all it takes is your mind to say,
"You can do this!!"
And guess what, your body does it.
It's hard, everyday it's hard, but I'm already reaping so many benefits from it that far outweigh a bum knee and crampy hamstring.
I probably wouldn't advise going from couch to 30 days in a row though. Ideally I think I'd like to take one day off a week, which I probably will once I get done with this challenge.
But getting out there and challenging myself has been the best thing I've done this year so far!
Here's to hoping my hamstring doesn't turn into something more serious.... just 7 to go!
Today's specifics:
2.46 miles @ 8'18"/mi average pace.
How about a Japanese Pizza Commercial? lol ok!
Random. Sorry.
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